Welcome to www.maisano.org
June 18 2009......The day that I was hooked.  I always new that I would one day I would learn to fly I just had no idea when.  That day when I got up in the air and my instructor asked if I wanted the controls  I had a smile from ear to ear.   This was the most awesome thing that I have ever done, aside of watching my 2 sons born and getting married. (Had to put that their).  I started taking lessons the next day.  My first lessons consisted of  the four fundementals of flight.  The four basic flight maneuvers, or fundamentals of flight, are turns, climbs (constant airspeed), descents (constant airspeed), and straight-and-level flight (SLF).   Next was learning slowflight, and steep turns.  After that we worked on stalls, turns around a point, and s-turns.  We also had the oppurtunity  to work on a few x-wind take offs and landings.  Of course at this point I was not landing my instructor was while I had I hand on the stick and my feet on the rudder pedals.  By the end of  June I had 6.5 Hrs in flight training.
